
, Assistant Professor at Shahid Beheshti University


Cognitive science combines tools from psychology, computer science, linguistics, anthropology, philosophy and neuroscience to explain the functions of human intelligence. The complexity of "intelligence" and "mind" has led to the involvement and complementarity of these six disciplines in order to examine the substructure and superstructures in this regard. All of these six disciplines must interact continuously with each other and provide new data to each other and thus stay safe from reductionism. This has led cognitive science to be regarded as an Transdiscipline. Cognitive science can be useful in two aspects for Qur'anic interdisciplinary studies: 1- We could evaluate the relationship of a transdiscipline with Quranic studies; 2- Culture and mind are main principles in cognitive science and Quranic studies. Therefore, the use of cognitive sciences in the Quranic studies will be inevitable. So Cognitive science can have the following basic achievements for the Quranic studies: 1- They can draw mental processes. Specifically, in the Qur'anic studies, by the cognitive science one can understand that how the perception of the interpreter is made. 2- Cognitive sciences could explain the mental and cultural achievements and in particular the interpretive perceptions of Quranic verses. Cognitive linguistics, cognitive psychology, neuropsychiatry, and artificial intelligence are among the most basic sciences that can help the researcher achieve such a thing. Each of these sciences will also have its own methods and attributes to help with the Quranic studies


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