
Assistant Professor of Quranic and Hadith Sciences in Valiasr university of Rafsanjan


Therefore, it is far from real if the mystery of the indefiniteness of the Quran is attributed to the elements of the text,In this approach, the text is based on the findings of the semiotic domain, a system of signs or a set of signs and templates that Linked with each other, the text has given a feature of comprehensiveness, irreconcilability, and invincibility With the method of analyzing and adapting the content of the teaching of science with scientific data, in particular the field of semiotics of the text, these results are obtained from :
First, the issue of secrecy and secrecy of the Quran belongs to the system of sign governing the text and the complex communication network of verses.
Second,the text was  placed in the level of arrange is required for the systems and  internal harmony, Structure and the style of statement, the Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Relations, the network of meaning production, the system of signs and Convergence significance . the text with all of capabilities is form the theory of resistant text in challenge. This theory is representated  of this fact that text and it,s components recalled every audience and the text can create  different reactions on subject, as submission, admission, leaveness of challenge.


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