Document Type : Research Article


Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Faculty of Theology



Conflict of interest is a situation in which a person sees his personal interests in conflict with public and professional interests. This situation exists in various areas of human social relations and is known as part of general anomalies and one of the important indicators of corruption in these areas. Failure to manage it can have important consequences. Therefore, it is necessary and necessary to recognize the issue of conflict of interests in the Qur'anic culture in terms of legislation and human guidance. In this article, with the "content analysis" method, the beginning of conflict of interest situations in the Holy Quran is explained, and then the Quranic solutions to deal with this social phenomenon are evaluated. The findings of the research show that the Almighty God, in the position of legislation, is aware of the importance of conflict of interests and tried to prevent it as much as possible by introducing situations and providing solutions and stating the consequences of not paying attention to the solutions. Strategies such as giving preference to the best interest, creating positive conflict of interest, blaming profit seeking, observing justice and self-sacrifice... are among the strategies that can be effective in preventing and managing


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