Document Type : Research Article
1 Department of Quran and Hadith Studies, Hazrat-e Masoumeh University, Qom, Iran.
2 Phd in Quranic Sciences and Hadith, Independent Researcher
The purpose of the current research is to reread the social aspects of hijab ruling from the two perspectives of the text (Qur'an) and its understanding (viewpoints of contemporary religious scholars). The findings of the research, which were carried out using the descriptive method and content analysis, showed that verse 59 of Ahzab, by introducing a special type of veil (Jalbab) as a symbol of the social identity of a Muslim woman, has clearly tied the ruling of hijab to a social aspect. Also, the numerous orders of the verses of Surah Noor to maintain social chastity are accompanied by details that can vary according to social and cultural conditions. On the other hand, the evolution of the views of religious thinkers showed that although they insist on the necessity of maintaining the hijab, their understanding of this category, not limited to the famous view and in accordance with the cultural requirements of the time, included significant changes, ranging from a partial revision to a fundamental change in the attitude of modern religious thinkers. included The results of these findings indicate the consistency of the text and its understanding in validating the social aspects of the hijab ruling.
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