Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Shiraz University

2 Faculty of Quran and Jurisprudence Department, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran



Cognitive usage is a branch of linguistics that helps us look beyond literal meaning to words and sentences, allowing us to focus on how meaning is constructed in specific contexts. The aim of the present study is to investigate the approaches and orientations in applied studies of the Qur'an in Iran through a systematic review. In the field of Quran, the first research goes back to the 70s, which was organized in the form of a thesis in the field of English. There are also three research approaches: First. "Analysis of discourse and speech acts in the Qur'an", II. "Comparison of translations of the Holy Quran" and the third. "Essence, assessment and localization of applied theories". "Problem solving and doubt research", "extracting Quranic solutions" and "implementing and discovering speech acts" are the three orientations of the first approach. The second approach compares different types of translations, such as the influence of the translator's gender, based on linguistic theories. The third approach has focused on localization and providing principles and basics. Not paying attention to the origin and validity of theories in relation to the holy text of the Quran is one of the disadvantages of such studies.


Main Subjects