Document Type : Research Article


1 Azad university, Qom

2 Qom University

3 Bagher al-Ulum University, Qom, Iran



The Quran, as the Islamic holy book, includes all kinds of conversations of people in different situations. Therefore, it can be analyzed in terms of linguistics, just like dialogue-oriented texts. In this regard, the upcoming research examines the conversations between Moses (pbuh) and Pharaoh in the Quran. Since Grice's theoretical model is considered as a suitable model for examining people's conversations and interactions, it constitutes the theoretical framework of the present study. This model is known as "Grice's principle of collaboration" which includes four principles of quantity, quality, connection and method to have ideal communication, although these principles are disturbed due to some reasons. The upcoming research seeks to answer two basic questions: Are the principles of Grice visible in the conversation between Moses (pbuh) and Pharaoh in the Qur'an? What can be said about application and non-application of Grice's principles in the conversation between Moses and Pharaoh? For this purpose, all the dialogue verses between Moses (pbuh) and Pharaoh in the Quran have been brought forth as the data of the present research, which have been analyzed based on the principles of cooperation after reconstructing the story, and the application and role of these principles have been stated.


Main Subjects