
Associate Professor in Qur'an Studies, Research Institute of Hawzah and University


Cognitive semantics is the latest and at the same time the most prominent view among contemporary semantics theories which have been developed during the past four decades. This theory is so important that has drawn the attentions of different thinkers. What are the basics and the components of this theory? Can this view be seen as a justified paradigm in linguistics and semantics answerable to the problems of the domain of language and meaning? It is also important for Muslim scholars to see whether this theory can be an expressive and firm framework in reading the concepts of the Qur'an and the semantics of its educations. This paper, developed by analytical-comparative method, attempts to answer the above questions. The author, while reviewing the main elements of the theory of cognitive semantics, examines them particularly in the scientific philosophy perspective, and then measures the power and the capacity of this theory in representing the culture of the Holy Quran and its semantic realms


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