

Researchers of theoretical philosophy of history, whose ideologies are not based on revelation, consider human authority as the mere agent behind historic phenomena and are in denial of Meta historic agents. Does holy Quran hold the same view about the path of previous incidents and transformations? Does human history proceed along a straight path from the beginning to the end? Are historical events rule-governed and repeatable? Is fate certain or is it within human authority, divine will and many other agents? The following writing is a piece of religion-based library research which is obtained by contemplating Quranic teachings and contrasting them with intellectual doctrines of historic philosophers. This article emphasizes the fact that mankind history is multidimensional. The outcome of this intra-religion investigation reveals that human history is looked upon as a glorified source of lesson and credit in holy Quran. And credit indicates the flow of law through history and the possibility for similar events to occur in identical situations. It also indicates that human will and authority, divine will and idiosyncratic traditions have all played a role in formation of human history and this history has an objective and seeks an end; otherwise lessons from the past would be pointless and futile.


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