Document Type : Research Article



TThis paper examines Ghadir's Sermon based on the Fairclough's model of DA. First, the question arises that how it is possible to explain the features and functions of Ghadir as an oral discourse as well as the main message of the sermon, which is the declaration of the deputy, successor, and leadership of Imam Ali (AS). For this purpose, the story of Ghadir and the literature on it are reviewed briefly. Then, the theoretical foundations of the discussion, namely, text analysis and critical discourse, are discussed, and the methodology of the essay, which is based on the Fairclough’s framework, is explained. This framework examines and analyzes three levels of text, discourse, and social practices corresponding to three phases of description, interpretation, and explanation, applicable to Ghadir sermon. In this regard, it is introduced the Ghadir sermon as a religious oral discourse and, more precisely, the hortatory discourse. This discourse has the special features that can be seen in the light of the Fairclough’s framework. Among the findings derived from the use of the framework, one is that the textual and structural features of the sermon, including intertextuality, interdiscursivity, and recontextualization, proclaim the deputy, successor, and leadership of Imam Ali (AS) to the people.


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