Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor of Quranic Studies Institute, Humanities and Cultural Studies Institute


Although there is no mention of reason in the interpretation of the term interpretation, the ontological presence of reason can be found in its semantic analysis. The meanings of interpretation (interpretation, reference, beginning and end, end and end, epistle and reference, addition, correction, policy, change, discipline, and fate) can be analyzed in various ways, including change, evolution, transcendence, return, and link to the beginning. And the bottom, and the ... watchers are some kind of directional and tele-motion. Basically, it is not possible to imagine a destination without a destination, as it is meaningless to talk about a destination without a destination. Focusing on this point leads to the emergence of an awareness, thought, and thought in the entity of the word of interpretation, which is at its very core. In fact, rationality is the necessary meaning of interpretation, and without it interpretation cannot be possible, but it will not be possible. Hence, in verse 7 of Al-Imran the standard of human interpretation, in addition to being attributed to Allah (inclusive of all nouns), there is intrusion into science. Regarding the disputes raised in this field, the focus is on the science or the emphasis Human science refers to the interplay of interpretation with science and consciousness and it seems that science without rationality cannot be conceived.
However, this dimension has been neglected by interpretation, but also by the opposition and has essentially been reduced to a sectarian category. Whereas linking, or more accurately, to interpretation and rationality, is a serious matter, and of course requires expression. This paper analyzes the rationale of this authoritative element, with a brief reference to the necessity and why, through the proposed rules, principles, and conditions, and has come to the conclusion that rationality is the rational element of interpretation. It will not be an interpretation, and it may be based on whim and interpretation of the vote.


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