Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor of Quran Qom University of Science and Education

2 Ph.D. Student, Comparative Interpretation of Quran Science and Education University of Karim Qom

3 Expert Commentary on Quran Quran University of Science and Education Qom


Linguistics has long been considered by Islamic scholars. One of the topics of linguistics is the ability to translate contextual meanings into the audience, and various ideas have been presented to examine this issue. In this essay, based on one of the ideas of the newly begging and welcomed by Islamic scholars, the evolutionary theory of the coherence of the text of Michael Holliday and Raghieh Hassan, has examined the text integrity of the two famous translations of the Qur'an, the Safavid translation and Bahrampour. The discussion of coherence in three levels of grammatical, lexical, and transitive can be considered; Among the studies carried out in this paper, the evaluation of the efficiency of two Bahrampour and Safavid translations with a comparative-analytical approach is a new approach for validating the present translations. The Holy Qur'an has been mentioned. Therefore, in this study, by implementing this theory, the two translations mentioned above and using the statistical and graphical method, the convexity and correspondence of most of the Safavid translation with the theory of Holliday and Hassan in the blessed Qur'an, were achieved, and one can, In the framework of this theory, the Safavid translation is more coherent than the translation of Bahrampour.


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