Document Type : Research Article


1 Quranic studies and Hadith /University of Tehran/Tehran/Iran

2 Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences of Tehran University


The aim of this writing is to examine and analyze development of western studies on Shi’a interpretation of Qur’an in four periods of the first half of twentieth century, second half of it, from the year 2000 to 2010 and from 2010 to the present (2016). The statistics of studies done in this field in the west can be gained by the use of bibliography books and sites. We can also analyze the development in western scholars’ view of Shi’ite exegesis by reading some of their works. The results show continuous growth in the west interest in this field. The results also manifest a rapid increase in quantity of works in the second half of twentieth century that might be because of Islamic Revolution of Iran. In addition to that we observe more variety from the beginning of the present century that leads to the most rush, variety and development in the second decade of it.


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