Document Type : Research Article


Doctor of Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Department of Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Among the goals of multiple-meaning-based interpretation, the theory of value maximizing is in the Hermeneutics interpretation of texts. A value maximizing interpreter draws a range of interpretive possibilities to the text, to the point of highlighting the value of its literary validity.
In contrast to the benefits of multithreading like unique textual features such as linguistic capacities and potentially semantic features of the text, and the effect of reading the text from the reader's encyclopedia and its contemporary information. The major problem of such an approach in postmodern hermeneutics is the disregard of the author's intention as the only determinant of the meaning of the text. Hence, the theory of value maximizing does not have the capability to be mentioned in all texts. Therefore, the above-mentioned study, which is carried out in a descriptive-analytical manner with the gathering of documentary and paperwork, attempts to construct a hypothesis of " Intentionalism value maximizing theory " in the face of the simultaneous negation of "monolithic unity based on monopolistic nomadism" And "plurality of meaning based on radical subjectivity.


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