Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor of Quran University of Science and Education, Shiraz Faculty of Comparative Studies

2 Assistant Professor of Quran University of Science and Education, Faculty of Comparative Studies, Shiraz


The arrogance and proudly behavior of man against God or his creatures is one of the moral vices that are expressed in the Qur'an with the word "arrogance" and its derivatives and in the Biblical terms with numerous terms. To understanding the widespread dimension of this key concept, it is necessary The related vocabulary in the Bible Terminology and semantics. And the factors, attributes, and be explained end of The work of those who do this Bad attributes.This essay deals with the analytical-comparative methodology of terminology and semantics of arrogance in the Bible and the Qur'an and investigate The factors that create it in man through the verses of each of the holy books And by analyzing the characteristics of the arrogants. this concept is explained In the Holy books of various vocabulary. Factors identical, such as following concupiscence, The feeling of forgetfulness and forgetfulness of God's power are their attributes.


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