Document Type : Research Article
1 Postdoctoral researcher Al-Zahra University
2 Professor at Al-Zahra University
Motion is a basic, universal and complex concept that is represented in different languages by different surface expression .Talmy´s studies are the beginning of cognitive linguistic on the subject of movement ;Talmy explains the systematic relations between linguistic surface expression and profound expression.The present article examines the conceptualization of subjective motion verb “Zdahaba” in the Holy Qur'an.The data in this paper, in a figurative analysis, investigate how the motion event is represented. The body of the present study consists of56verses48surface expression were observed as a moving event.28metaphorical and20non metaphorical cases of physical movement were discovered. The results of this study show that all four main components of the motion event, as well as the two sub-components of cause and manner, are present in the studied propositions. The highest frequency among the main components is related to the path component and the moving component of 20 cases, then the figure & ground component to 19 cases to the sub-components, to 13 cases. Another result of the present paper is explaining the occurrence of the common surface expression of the concept of "going" in the concepts of "being eliminated","destroying" and"dying".
Guide to Poetic Metaphor. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.