Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student in Quranic sciences and tradition, Islamic Azad University of Isfahan (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran,

2 university of isfahan. isfahan. iran


Holy tradition is one of the most considerable topics in Quran. it is necessary to know about all semantic and applied aspects of these rules.One of the traditions is having a good end at life which has been pointed at the end of three Quran signs such as Araaf 128, Ghesas 83 , and Hood 49.The only affinity among these three signs along with the beginning, different topics and ambiguity and synoptics in Qoran about having a good end at life made this paper to consider this tradition at the end of the signs.Although it pays attention to all contextual ingredients and its semantic effects to analyze and assess the dimensions and characteristics of this tradition and its concequensive , Speech act.The results show that having a good end at life depends on the common and general time among special people with conditioned actions.Therefore,.Convergence aspect of these three signs prefigure continuation, constancy, social essence, general topic and similarity in pronunciation. However , these endings can be different according to the level of addressees, conditions of decline, possible world and confirmation of piousness.


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