Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD in Quranic science and Tradition, Visitor Professer of Alzahra University

2 PhD in Quranic science and Tradition, Associate Professor of Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


 Some orientalists have proposed the Quranic errors about the characters of the previous holy texts in order to reinforce the theory of adaptation. The present article, regard to the interpretive method of "Typology" in the religious culture of the church, and also using the opinions of previous Muslim commentators about the Quranic interpretations of "Sister of Harun" and "bint-e-Imran" about Maryam, reviews and solves the problems of misunderstanding these Quranic phrases and has challenged the theories of Orientalists. Christian commentators by using the interpretive method of cognitive prototypes (typology) connect the characters of Tanakh to the later people in the New Testament. By exploring this interpretation method, this research seeks to investigate its impact on understanding of the mentioned Qur'anic phrases. Attention to the usage of the name "Harun" in Tanakh and New Testament, as well as the metaphorical using of words such as "Okht", "Bint" and "Ibn", in the intertextuality of the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran, are the concern of this research. In the face of the typological interpretation of the Christian, the Qur'an is sometimes associated with this kind of interpretative interpretations, which can be regarded as a method of understanding.


Main Subjects

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