Document Type : Research Article


Assistant professor, , Department of Tafsir and Sciences Quran,Al-Mustafa International University, Mashhad, Iran


Given that one of the most important aspects of the miracle of the Qur'an is the literary and rhetorical miracles and the use of each word in the verses, arising from the wisdom of God and to fulfill a specific mission, it is necessary to explore the semantic characteristics of the vocabulary in the Quran, including the imminent and widely used vocabulary "Ja'a" and "Ata.
This article is intended to use the library method, while criticizing and examining the prominent views on the semantic distinction of the words "Ja'a" and "ATa" in the verses, to explain the angles of the subtleties hidden beyond the use of the Qur'an of these words. The other objective of this study is to process how these semantic subtleties are reflected in the most important Persian translations.
From this study, the views of Rajab Esfahani and Muhammad shuhrawar were the most successful in explaining the semantic distinctions of the verbs "Ja'a" and "ATa" in the Qur'an. Still, unfortunately, Persian translators of the Qur'anic language, regardless of the Semantic analysis of the Qur'an, did not reflect these semantic subtleties in their translation and somehow uncontrollably, paid attention to the equivalent of this vocabulary.


Main Subjects

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