Document Type : Research Article


Faculty member, Institute For Humanities And Cultural Studies, Tehran


Tolerance is the most important moral rule in Islam, to the extent that the word of Islam derived from “Salama”(submission or resignation) and “Musalimah”(tolerance or peacefulness); and in the beginning of every chapter (Surah) of quran there is “Bismi Allah al-rahman al-Rahim” (In the of God, the most gracious and merciful) which connote and repeat the generality of God’s grace and mercy towards everyone. In this paper, it is tried to outline conceptual and rational principles of Tolerance Ethics based on al-Nas keyword in Quran using three Shiite Quranic commentaries, namely Min Vahi al-Quran, al-Kashif and al-Mizan, and three Sunnis, i.e. al-Tahrir wa al-Tanwir, Fi Dhalal al-Quran and al-Jamie al-Bayan Fi Tafsir al-Quran. These ethical principles, in the first place, are humanistic, namely goodness, brotherhood, and equality of human being; secondly, they are established in convergent and moral grounds, such as mercy, unity, security and global peace; in order to, thirdly, they will be applicable to all common biological, moral background, and all humanistic principles of Quran have been considered, thus it could be used for peaceful communication among every single culture or religion; a kind of ethics that is derived from shared features of “the united community of humanity”.


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