Document Type : Research Article


1 Bu Ali Sina University - Faculty of Humanities - Department of Arabic Language and Literature

2 Bu Ali Sina University . Faculty of Humanities. Department of Arabic Language and Literature.


There are a lot of conceptual metaphor for introducing “life” in Quran and Nahj al-Balaghah; including the metaphor of plantification that has been used in various ways to draw dimensions of life. This analytical-descriptive study tried to use the concepts of conceptual metaphor to analyze the projection of the source domain of "plants" on the target domain of the "life" in the text of Qur'an and Nahj-ol-Balaghah, in order to clarify that in the text of Quran and Nahj al-Balaghah which concepts of the source domain of “plants” projected on the target domain of “life”. What are the most important mappings of this projection process? And what is the role of using the conceptual metaphor of "life is agriculture" in explaining the Islamic perspective toward life?
The results of this study showed that in the text of Qur'an and Nahj al-Balaghah through plantification, a variation between life and plants and related terms has been created which is related to the movement of human being from birth to death and reaching the final destination of life. .


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