Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student in Quran and Resources - Faculty of Education, University of Tehran

2 Associate professor / Department of Islamic thought and education, Tehran university

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Education and Thought, University of Tehran


shabastri makes hermeneutics the basis of understanding the Qur'an and believes that with advancement of science in the world arena, the methods of the past in understanding the Qur'an are not responsible for Muslims. According to Shabastri's opinion, the Qur'an as a sacred historical text should be understood with hermeneutics, which deals with the truth of how to understand, and the neglect of hermeneutic issues in the interpretation of the Qur'an causes many interpretative differences. Based on this, he tried to present interpretations of the Holy Qur'an, which is facing serious harmWith the aim of investigating these damages, this research examines the fundamental and methodological damages of shabastri's hermeneutic perspective on the interpretation of the Qur'an with analytical-critical method. Hermeneutic thought of Shabstari has suffered from internal conflict due to the lack of providing a clear definition and nature and has a fundamental damage. Also, the failure to adopt a single approach in the use of hermeneutics in author-centered issue, inappropriate use of prejudice and presupposition, and being influenced by external factors have caused damage to the method of interpreting the Qur'an. Therefore, shabastri did not have a single approach in the use of hermeneutics, and this leads to relativism.


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