Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic Studies and Hadith, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


The present article deals with the complex cluster of the concept of " Mother" in the Quran with a cognitive approach, what is said about the mother in the structure of kinship represents a common concept of "Mother", but depending on different cultures, we can face different types of this concept.The methodological strategy of the current article is to use the Foundation prototype categorization and achieve an Idealized Cognitive Model regarding the concept of “Mother“in the Qur'an. The result of the study in the Qur'anic corpus,consisting of 88 verses that have themes related to the field of "motherhood"; Nine cognitive models were obtained, and by placing the mentioned models next to each other,the composite cluster of the concept of "Mother" in the Qur'an was obtained: It should be noted that the obtained models,including the model of Biological Mother, Grand Mother,Foster Mother,Step Mother,Adoptive Mother and Unmarried Mother,are common with the model presented by Layoff, the models of Surrogate Mother and Donor Mother are among the models that are not mentioned in the Qur'an,and instead,in the composite cluster of the concept of mother in the Qur'an,the model of Spiritual Mother and Virgin Mother can be found.


Main Subjects

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