Document Type : Research Article


1 department of persian literature and language, human science faculty, velayat university

2 Velayat university, persian language and literature department



In the contemporary era, humanities have new approach to human issues that can give the new reading of classical literature. One of these new approach is structuralism and those that arose from it like Narratology and Poststructuralism. This article intend analyze structure of Adam biographical narrative via structuralism approach. This analyze has done by examining Kernels in three persian interpretive texts of Quran: translate of TafsirAlTabari, KashfolAsrar va oddatoAlabrar and RavzoAljenan va ravhoAljanan. It seems the kernel of this texts are similar together because that’s are taken from the Holy Quran (Quran narratives are not flexible in the beliving of muslims). Despite these similarities, each text in details, differs from other texts. The main issue in this article is to study these differences despite their use of a single source. In addition, this differences what to tell us? our survey shows the details of narrative in each text have differences with other texts. This differences are due to the special era and ideology of the interpreter and can shows the serious discourse in their era. From the narratology, Adam story, can be summarized in ten kernels and these kernels can be summarized in four fundamental units.


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