هماهنگی آوا و معنا در آیات نفخ صور

منصوره طالبیان؛ روح الله صیادی نژاد؛ حسین ایمانیان

دوره 5، شماره 2 ، تیر 1400، ، صفحه 97-122


  One of the most important aspects of Quran felicity is the rhythm of verses. Beautiful rhythm and sounds have effect on evolutionary and changing the spirit of mankind, the God has mixed the verses of his book with wonderful rhythm.In fact the rhythm of Quran is the first level of attracting audience. This discipline has inseparable connection with meaning structure. So that a small change in rhythm of verses can change the meaning dimension in this study. We want to study the role of tone in illustrating the verses by using descriptive- analytic. The study shows that the smallest vocalic unit ...  بیشتر