نوع مقاله : پژوهشی
1 دانشیار گروه زبان انگلیسی، دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی، دانشگاه بیرجند، بیرجند، ایران.
2 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد زبان شناسی، دانشگاه بیرجند، بیرجند، ایران.
3 استادیار گروه معارف اسلامی، دانشگاه بیرجند، بیرجند، ایران.
پژوهش حاضر با تکیهبر نظریه لاکلا و موفه به بررسی گفتمان خداوند متعال در مقابل مخالفان در سوره انعام میپردازد؛ لذا ابتدا دادهها بر مبنای نظریه داده- بنیاد کدگذاری گردید سپس بر اساس این نظریه تحلیل شد. بررسی دادهها نشان میدهد که گفتمان خداوند با دال مرکزی «توحید» در تقابل با گفتمان مخالفان با دال مرکزی «شرک» قرار میگیرد. مخالفان بهمنظور حفظ هژمونی و قدرت خود اقدام به طرد و حاشیه رانی گفتمان خداوند از طریق ایجاد شک و دودلی، بهانهجویی و نافرمانی میکنند اما خداوند، در مقابل، از طریق برجستهسازی گفتمان خود به بازنمایی هژمونی خود میپردازد. نتایج پژوهش نشان میدهد خداوند مدلولی است مقتدر که در کنار دال شناور «مهربان بودن»، «عقاب دهنده» نیز هست. در نظام معنایی گفتمان خداوند برخی از دالها مانند دال شناور «یکتا بودن» در تضاد با دال محوری گفتمان مخالفان در بازنمایی گفتمان هژمونیک خداوند نقش عمدهای را ایفا نمودهاند.
عنوان مقاله [English]
A Study of The Discourse of The Quran Against Opponents in Surah Al-An’am, Based on Grounded- Theory and Laclau and Mouffe’s Theory in Critical Discourse Analysis
نویسندگان [English]
- Jalilolah Faroughi Hendevalan 1
- Elaheh Khosroparast 2
- Mohammad Hosein Zanjiri 3
1 Associated Professor of English Language Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran.
2 M. A. Student in Linguistics , University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran.
3 Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies Department, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran.
چکیده [English]
This study aims to analyze the discourse of God in the Qur'an, particularly in Surah Al-An’am—a Meccan chapter—using Laclau and Mouffe's framework of critical discourse analysis. (Saidi, 2014: 14) The term "opponents" refers to individuals whose beliefs conflict with or oppose Qur'anic teachings and the doctrines of the infallible Imams (peace be upon them). One of the reasons for selecting Surah Al-An’am for analysis from a critical discourse perspective is its monotheistic focus and its richness in debates and discursive arguments that the Qur'an raises against its opponents. Makarem Shirazi (1974: Vol. 5: 143) explains regarding Surah Al-An’am: "the main objective of this Surah, like other Meccan Surahs, is to call to the three fundamental principles of 'Tawhid' (monotheism), 'Nubuwwah' (prophethood), and 'Ma’ad' (the afterlife), but it particularly revolves around the issue of monotheism and the struggle against polytheism and idol worship." Thus, this Surah lends itself to analysis from the standpoint of critical discourse analysis. The authors selected the discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe from among the various available theories in critical discourse analysis because it offers an effective framework for examining the discursive contradictions and conflicts within Surah Al-An’am, which is the central objective of this paper. To carry out this research, the verses related to God's discourse against the opponents in Surah Al-An’am were first compiled according to the Persian translation of the Qur'an by Mahdi Elahi Qomshaei. After gathering the verses, coding was performed using Grounded Theory. Finally, the selected verses were analyzed through the framework of Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory.
Research background
Several studies focused on discourse analysis from the perspective of Laclau and Mouffe's theory, specifically related to the Qur'an, are as follows: Taqavi (2017) in his article "Discourse Analysis of the Speech Acts of the Quraysh Leaders with the Prophet (PBUH) during the Meccan Period Based on the Discourse Analysis Theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe" addresses the clash between the discourse of monotheism and idol worship between the Prophet (PBUH) and the Quraysh leaders through the lens of Laclau and Mouffe's theory. Arab Yusef-Abadi (2017), in his article "Critical Discourse Analysis of Hallaj's Writings Based on the Laclau and Mouffe Framework," explores the distinction between the Shari’ah-based and Tariqah-based discourses. Kavouszadeh (2016) in his thesis "Examining and Analyzing the Theological Disputations of Prophets with Opponents in the Qur'an" focuses on the debates and arguments between the prophets and adversaries. Saidi (2014) in the thesis "Methods of Dealing with Ideological Opponents in the Qur'an and Hadith" explores the different types of opponents, their motivations and sources of opposition, and how the prophets and the infallible Imams (peace be upon them) interacted with ideological opponents.
Research method
This is descriptive-analytical research conducted using the library-based method. In the first phase, all the verses of Surah Al-An’am were reviewed, and then the verses related to the topic of the research, i.e., God's discourse against the opponents, were collected. To answer their research questions, the researchers needed a fairly comprehensive analysis of the data; therefore, the data were divided into two distinct sections. The first section consisted of descriptions that God provided about Himself, and the second section was dedicated to the arguments God presented in response to His opponents. The process was carried out as follows: each data point (selected verse from Surah Al-An’am) was analyzed both precisely and conceptually. The expressions and sentences from God's own speech used to describe Himself were placed in the first section, while the verses related to God's discourse with His opponents were placed in the second section. Ultimately, using Grounded Theory, the data were coded in three stages: open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The data were labeled and coded into descriptive phrases or sentences, condensed into a single word or phrase. In the analysis of God's discourse, the authors, after conceptualizing the data through grounded theory, utilized the techniques of linguistics from the theory of Laclau and Mouffe in the final step to analyze the concepts.
In order to prevent the expansion of and ensure the persistence of their own power, the opponents made significant efforts by denying the truth, mocking, and disobeying, aiming to foreground their own discourse and deconstruct the monotheistic discourse of God. Through the analysis and examination conducted, it can be understood that in the semantic system of God's discourse, which includes floating sign and various moments, some signifiers play a major role in representing God's hegemonic discourse. One of these signifiers is the floating sign "oneness." This signifier is in contrast to the discourse of the opponents, who worship multiple deities and idols, and it condemns such practices and behaviors. The signifier "Creator" is one of the key moments in God's discourse, indicating God's power over the affairs of existence. The floating sign in God's monotheistic semantic system, namely "All-Knowing and All-Hearing," holds significant importance in this system, as it not only reflects God's power but also emphasizes His encompassing knowledge and awareness of all the conditions of beings. Another floating sign, "Just," is a divine attribute and one of the fundamental principles of Islam, carrying great significance in God's discourse. The signifier "Guide and Misleader" in God's discourse is one of the Quranic paradoxes that expresses the divine will and is a key temporal element in the monotheistic semantic system of God, signifying the hegemony of this discourse. The next important floating signifier in this semantic system is "Punisher." By juxtaposing this with the signifier of His mercy, God reveals both the power and hegemony of His discourse in the verses. For example, considering what has been mentioned in numerous verses about previous civilizations and the repeated blessings, God desires a special acknowledgment from His servants. In contrast, the opponents disregard everything and engage in disobedience. As a result, God uses the language of threat by promising the destruction of the disobedient and replacing them with another people. Another example is the description of the stubbornness and obstinacy of the opponents, to the extent that they even refuse to accept the verses written on a tangible paper, calling it clear sorcery. The aforementioned floating signifiers, along with the nodal point of "Servitude" and absolute obedience to God's commands, make the semantic system of God's discourse meaningful and elevate this discourse to a hegemonic and prominent position.
کلیدواژهها [English]
- Critical discourse analysis
- Grounded-theory
- Surah Al-An’am
- Laclau and Mouffe's theory
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