نوع مقاله : پژوهشی


عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه علوم و معارف قرآن کریم


واژه «صدّیقه» ازجمله واژگان تکامَدی است که در آیه 75 سوره مائده، به‌کارگیری شده است. مفسران در خصوص تفسیر آیه و واژه «صدیقه»، سه دسته شده‌اند: برخی اصلاً به تفسیر آیه یادشده نپرداخته؛ دسته‌ای دیگر، به‌رغم تفسیر آیه، از پرداختن به تکامَد واژگانی «صدیقه»، عبور کرده‌اند؛ اما دسته سوم، مفسرانی هستند که ضمن تفسیر آیه یادشده، واژه موردبحث را برابر نظر تفسیری خویش معنا نموده و بدین قرار، این واژه، معرکه آرای این‌دسته ‌از مفسران واقع شده است. تصدیق‌کننده، تصدیق‌کننده مؤمن، صادق (=راستگو) و پارسا و باتقوا معناهایی هستند که ‌از سوی مفسران در تفسیر این واژه ‌ارائه گردیده است. افزون بر منابع تفسیری، واژه «صدّیقه»، معرکه آرای مترجمان فارسی و انگلیسی نیز قرار گرفته و آنان هم در ترجمه ‌این واژه دچار اختلاف شده‌اند؛ از‌این‌رو، حتی برخی، ترجمه‌های غریبی همچون «ولیه» یا «قابل‌اعتماد» را برای این واژه در نظر گرفته‌اند که در هیچ منبع لغوی یا تفسیری دیده‌شده است؛ پژوهش حاضر که با روش کتابخانه‌ای و رویکرد توصیفی-تحلیلی، برای رسیدن به‌معنای صواب واژه «صدیقه» سامان‌یافته، دلیل خطای مفسران و مترجمان، در ارائه مفهوم این واژه را دومطلب انگاشته‌است؛ نخست، تکیه صرف آنان بر توجه به‌معنای اصل «ص‌دق» -و نه ساختار صدیقه- که سهل ممتنعی را عجالتا پدیدآورده‌است؛ درحالی‌که عموم ارباب لغت، میان این‌دو، تفاوت قائل‌شده‌اند؛ دوم، توجه به پاکدامنیِ حضرت مریم (س) و شیوه خاص باردارشدن ایشان؛ ضمن‌اینکه، کمبود روایت تفسیری در این‌خصوص نیز، فهم معنای دقیق واژه موردبحث را پیچیده‌ترنموده‌است. ازاین‌رو، با ملاحظه آرای لغت‌شناسان، ازیک‌سو؛ و بادرنگ در سیر معنایی آیات و درنظرگرفتن سیاق، از سوی دیگر؛ سرانجام معنای تفسیری مرجح برای این واژه، «تصدیق‌کننده مؤمن» پیشنهاد شده است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Analyzing the meaning of the word "Seddiqah" in verse 75 of Surah Ma'idah based on Persian and English interpretations and translations.

نویسنده [English]

  • Mahdi Abdollahipour

Member of the academic staff of the Holy Quran University of Sciences and Education

چکیده [English]

Among the verses that commentators and translators disagree on is verse 75 of Surah Ma'idah. The context of verses 73 to 77 of this sura is according to the consensus of commentators, emphasizing the issue of monotheism and avoiding trinity. After stating this importance, God reprimands the unbelievers for insisting on their incorrect view and not asking for forgiveness, and he draws attention to his forgiveness and mercy.
Then, from the basis of emphasizing the need of the Prophet and his mother Maryam for food and strength, he specifies that they are human beings; but in the meantime, he acknowledges an attribute of Hazrat Maryam, which is: "Seddiqah"; a word that has been contested by commentators and translators of the Holy Quran. Confirmer, authentic confirmer, truthful, trustworthy and saintly, trustworthy, upright, etc., are the meanings that are mentioned in the interpretation sources and translations for "Seddiqah". In the last two verses of this context, by denying the ownership of any benefits or harms from anyone and anything except God, he declares the trinity and belief in a God other than the One God as arrogance of the unbelievers in religion and warns them to avoid following the misguided. Therefore, answering the question: which of the mentioned meanings for "Seddiqah" is more accurate according to the context of the verses? The basis for organizing the present research is; therefore, after analyzing the interpretation of the word in question in the eyes of the commentators, the related narrations will be examined from the point of view of the signifier, and finally, the Persian and English translations will be examined.
Research background
Although no independent article or work has been written regarding the historical study of the word "Seddiqah" which appears in verse 75 of Surah Ma'idah, a group of commentators in different centuries have provided an interpretation about this word under the mentioned verse. In addition to them, the only work that can be declared in relation to the present research is the article "Investigation of the semantic relations of the word truthfulness in Nahj al-Balagheh" written by Samaneh Diyari and Seyed Hossein Seidi in Nahj al-Balagheh Research Quarterly, Year 8, No. 30, Summer 2019. In this article, the authors have investigated the meaning of "Sedq" - not Seddiqah - in "Nahj al-Balagheh" from a contextual perspective and have tried to find its semantic position, using the method of descriptive semantics. In this way, and due to the fact that their mission was not to analyze the derivatives of this root, in only a part of their writing, they announced 83 items of nominal compounds used from this root in Nahj al-Balagheh, while presenting mere statistics, and one of these compounds have also been called "Seddiq and Seddiqeen"; Without even mentioning its exact frequency in Nahj al-Balaghah or providing a clear meaning of it. Therefore, the distinctive feature of the current research is to analyze the exact meaning of the word "Seddiqah" in the most important sources of commentary and also in Persian and English translations. Another article titled "Measuring the effectiveness of the semantics of Allameh Tabatabai and Izutsu in the concept of Sedq" by Seyyed Hamidreza Mirazimi, Abdul Hadi Masoudi and Afrasiab Salehi Shahroudi, which was published in issue 37 of the Religious Research Journal And in that, the semantic foundations of Allameh Tabatabai and Izutsu were analyzed in the field of the semantics of "Sedq" - not "Seddiqah" - and finally the result was reached, that although both scientists were able to achieve success in the semantics of the concept of "Sedq", But their theories contain ambiguous points, which require a revision of the method or basis of both theorists to resolve these ambiguities.
Research method
Basically, exploration in each of the fields of knowledge is done with the special method of the same knowledge; Therefore, in the field of human sciences, since the researcher examines the issues and problems related to him, the best method is observation and analysis; But in the field of Quranic and Hadith knowledge, which is considered as a sub-field of human sciences, because the researcher is dealing with opinions and theories, the descriptive-analytical method is generally on the agenda; That is, in the beginning, theories are reported and then analyzed; Therefore, this article has completed the research by using the same method.
The lexical analysis of the words that are used only once in the Holy Qur'an is one of the new research models. The word "Seddiqah" is one of this category of words, which is used only in the 75th verse of Surah Ma'ida among all the verses of the Qur'an. Since the concept of this word, at first sight, does not seem so complicated, a group of commentators have simple-mindedly refused to interpret it, and perhaps because of the clarity of its interpretive meaning, they have left the word "Seddiqah" behind. However, some others have ignored the entire interpretation of this verse. But in the meantime, some commentators have also interpreted the verse and especially the word "Seddiqah" and interpreted it based on their interpretive understanding, which has caused the emergence of four opinions regarding the interpretation of this word; Therefore, four interpretations have been provided by the commentators for this word, which are: authenticator; authenticator of the faithful; honest (=truthful); And pious. It seems that the same lack of consensus about this word on the part of the commentators has caused confusion between Persian and English translators in providing a correct equivalent of it and has fueled the difference in Quranic translations. While, in the opinion of lexicologists, it is said that they differ between the literal meaning of the word "Seddiqah" and the original meaning of "S.D.Q". However, after a careful analysis of the word in question, this result is obtained, that the best meaning for the word "seddiqah" is the affirmer of the believer.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Seddiqah
  • affirming
  • faithful
  • truthful
  • pious
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